In June of 2020, the Municipality adopted its 2020-2025 Strategic Plan. One of the initiatives presented in the Strategic Plan was the development of a Community Improvement Plan.
This Community Improvement Plan has been prepared with the intention of attracting and supporting the rehabilitation and revitalization of private lands and buildings in Sioux Lookout. In order to provide financial incentives to encourage this private development, it is necessary for the Municipality to prepare a Community Improvement Plan under Section 28 of the Planning Act RSO 1990, c.P. 13.
The Community Improvement Plan has been crafted in collaboration with local stakeholders and experts to establish a toolbox of programs designed to support specific planning objectives. It does so by aligning financial incentives with identified planning goals for enhancing infrastructure and fostering economic growth.
Proposed developments need to satisfy general eligibility requirements and then specific eligibility requirements under each program.
Broadly, the objectives of this Community Improvement Plan iteration are to:
This Community Improvement Plan provides objectives for private property improvements and establishes financial incentives for property owners to encourage the revitalization and continued economic stability of the four highlighted improvement areas within the Municipality. These areas are identified as the Main Central Area, the Gateway Area, the Hudson Core Area, and the Airport Area.
The intent of the plan is to target improvements to existing buildings and properties; however, there is the inclusion of an incentive for new residential developments within the Community Improvement Areas.
A pre-application meeting is required and can be scheduled with Jody Brinkman, Development Services Manager, or Jennifer Esposito, Strategic Initiatives Manager
The 2025 deadline for applications is Friday, February 28th at 4:00 pm CST. Applications received after that time will be deemed ineligible.
A copy of the plan, the application, and applicable documents are all linked below.