The following is a summary of the proceedings of the Regular Council Meeting held February 16, 2022:
• The Mayor welcomed Jeff Hawley, the new Manager of Public Works and Infrastructure, to the Municipality.
• Council passed By-law No. 11-22, Being a By-law to Adopt the 2022 Budget and Tax Rate.
• Council passed By-law No. 12-22, Being a By-law to Set Tax Ratios for Prescribed Property Classes for Municipal Purposes for the Year 2022.
• Council authorized the transfer of $180,629 from the Infrastructure Reserve to pay for additional Daycare costs, and to replenish the Infrastructure Reserve in the amount of $45,157.25 per year over the next four years.
• Council authorized the allocation of the 2021 Columbaria niche sales revenue in the amount of $7,059.40 to the Municipality’s Cemetery’s Columbaria Capital Project, to offset the amount of long-term debt required to finance the project.
• Council awarded the Contract for Engineering Services for Detailed Design, Specifications, Tendering and Contract Administration for the Hillcrest Drive Upgrades and Hillcrest Development Area Infrastructure Construction Project to Keewatin-Aski Ltd. for $303,525 plus HST and passed By-law No. 13-22 to execute the contract.
• Council approved amending Schedule “A” to By-law No. 92-18, Being a By-law to Make Appointments to Various Boards, Commission and Committees, by adding the Sioux Lookout Regional Physician Services Incorporated (SLRPSI) Physician Recruitment and Retention Committee and further, to appoint Councillor Connor Howie to the Sioux Lookout Regional Physician Recruitment & Retention Committee.
• Council passed By-law No. 14-22, Being a By-law to Award Bercell Integrated Technologies Limited the Contract for the Provision of Information Technology Services.
• Council approved the Application for a Liquor License for Anderson’s Lodge (Outdoor Areas), 2385 Highway 72, Sioux Lookout.
• Council established the Cedar Bay Development Ad Hoc Committee to review the 2012 Cedar Bay Development Plan and to update the Plan as required following consultation with community partners and user groups.

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