Council Briefs

The following is a summary of the proceedings of the Regular Council Meeting held January 15, 2025:

  • Delegation: Farah Sheriffdeen, the Municipal Program Coordinator from FoodCycler Science, presented the results of the Sioux Lookout Municipal Food Waste Diversion Pilot Program that ran from June to September 2024. 
  • Delegation: Brad Hyslop, presented to Council on two items relating to Hudson. The first item was the near clear-cutting of Hudson hiking trails in 2024. He proposed that when the Official Plan is being reviewed, the area could be designated as an environmentally protected zone to prevent future threats of clear-cutting. The second item was regarding the revitalization of Hudson. He suggested creating a special committee that would develop a report with short, medium and long-term goals, to be completed within 12 months. The committee could consist of 9 to 11 members, including 3 staff members, 6 residents from the community and an invitation to Lac Seul First Nation to participate.
  • Council passed By-law No. 05-25, Being a By-law to Authorize the Mayor and the Clerk to Execute an Agreement Between The Corporation of the Municipality of Sioux Lookout and Finnway General Contractor Inc. for the completion of the washroom addition for the Sioux Lookout Airport Secure Hold Room Project in the amount of $316,000.00 plus HST.
    • Purpose: To complete the Sioux Lookout Airport Secure Hold Room project.
  • Council received the Flood Mapping and Mitigation Study.
    • Purpose: This study was undertaken to identify areas at risk of future flooding and determine the most optimal prevention and mitigation measures for future flooding.
  • Council passed By-law No. 06-25, Being a By-law to Authorize the Mayor and the Clerk to Execute an Agreement Between The Corporation of the Municipality of Sioux Lookout and the Ojibway Power Toboggan Association for the Use of Municipal Lands for Snowmobile Trails.
    • Purpose: To have Council review the proposed new Agreement between the Municipality and the Ojibway Power Toboggan Association with regards to the use of Municipal lands for snowmobile trails.
  • Council passed By-law No. 07-25, Being a By-law to Designate Certain Municipal Positions and Classifications as Municipal Law Enforcement Officers for The Corporation of the Municipality of Sioux Lookout for the Purpose of Enforcing Municipal By-laws and Provincial Legislation and to Rescind By-law No. 54-05.
    • Purpose: To allow certain Municipal positions and classifications the authority to enforce Municipal By-laws and certain Provincial legislation.
  • Council passed By-law No. 08-25, Being a By-law Respecting Parking Matters at the Sioux Lookout Airport and to Rescind By-law No. 27-05;
    • Purpose: To establish set fines in relation to By-law No. 08-25 and Airport Parking.
  • Council passed a motion in support of Twinning of Highway 17 Between Thunder Bay and Kenora Notice of Motion.
    • Purpose: To help the Municipality advocate for safe transportation throughout Northwestern Ontario.
  • Council supported the outside resolution: KDSB Municipal and KDSB Apportionment Formula Change and Kenora District Service Board Apportionment Formula Change
    • Purpose: That the Municipality supports KDSB intent to continue the use of unweighted property assessments to calculate the Net Local Levy and to support KDSB intention to set the contribution from Territories without Municipal Organizations (TWOMO) at a minimum of 46.15%.
  • Council passed By-law No. 04-25, Being a By-law to Authorize the Mayor and the Clerk to Execute Agreements and Documents Regarding The Sale of The Hereinafter Described Building by The Corporation of the Municipality of Sioux Lookout to Nishnawbe Aski Police Services (NAPS Hanger).
    • Purpose: To allow for the sale of the hangar/office at 25 Airport Road to NAPS.
  • Council approved amending Schedule “A” to By-law No. 68-22 (Being a By-law to Make Appointments to Various Boards, Commissions and Committees, by deleting Jennifer Hancharuk from the Sioux Lookout Environment Committee, after having received her resignation.

Council Briefs are provided in this format for convenience only and are not approved Minutes of the Council Meeting. For more information, please contact Brian P. MacKinnon, Chief Administrative Officer and Municipal Clerk at [email protected].