Council Brief - May 2024

The following is a summary of the proceedings of the Statutory Public Meeting and Regular Council Meeting held May 15, 2024:

  • Council received Official Plan Amendment No. OP02-2024 and Zoning By-law Amendment No. Z06-2024 – 788 Highway 72 at the Statutory Public Meeting.
  • At the Regular Council Meeting, Council received the Planning Report dated May 15, 2024, respecting Official Plan Amendment No. OP02-2024 and Zoning By-law Amendment No. Z06-2024. Council authorized the adoption of OP02-2024 by the passing of By-law No. 42-24, and passed of By-law No. 43-24, Being a By-law to amend By-law No 85-18, Being a Comprehensive Zoning By-law for The Corporation of the Municipality of Sioux Lookout, as Amended.
    • Purpose: The Official Plan Amendment and Zoning By-law Amendment applications were submitted by Tracy Chevrier, for the property locally known as 788 Highway 72 to be rezone from Open Space Zone to Residential Shoreline Zone to facilitate the development of a residential dwelling on the subject lands.
  • Council received Subdivision Application No. S01-2023 and the Planning Report 2024-161, and passed By-law No. 47-24, Being a By-law to Authorize a Subdivision Agreement with JAMB Developments Inc. and The Corporation of the Municipality of Sioux Lookout, All of Location CL 19335 Being Part of Block 10, Municipality of Sioux Lookout, District of Kenora.
  • Council notwithstanding By-law No. 47-24, directed that JAMB Developments Inc. Subdivision Agreement be executed upon receipt of the final clearance letters from agencies and subject to final minor modifications.
    • Purpose: To approve a Subdivision Agreement on Sturgeon River Road.
  • Council authorized the Deeming By-law Application for 96 Third Street and 98 Third Street in Hudson and passed By-law No. 48-24, Being a By-law to Deem the lots located at 96 Third Street and 98 Third Street in Hudson not to be within a registered Plan of Subdivision
    • Purpose: To merge the properties on 96 Third Street and 98 Third Street, Hudson.
  • Council declared May and June Pollinator Appreciation Months and directed staff to allow residents yards to exceed the maximum height permitted for grass and/or weeds during the months of May and June.
    • Purpose: To promote pollinator friendly yards
  • Council approved the Truth and Reconciliation Committee’s 2024 annual workplan.
    • Purpose: To approve the Truth and Reconciliation Committee workplan and budget of $2,500 for 2024.
  • Council passed By-law No. 50-24, Being a By-law to Amend Schedule B of By-law No. 28-05 (Being a By-law Respecting the Use of Municipal Access Points; To Establish User Fees for the Use of Municipal Access Points; and to Authorize the Mayor and the Clerk to Execute an Agreement Between Her Majesty the Queen in Right of Ontario as Represented by the Minister of Natural Resources Relating to the Operation of Access Points), and to Rescind By-law No. 39-24, Being a By-law to Amend By-law No. 28-05, as amended
    • Purpose: To rescind By-law No. 39-24 and approve the new Boat Launch Pass Fees as discussed at the May 1, 2024 Special Council Meeting.
  • Council directed Staff on how to proceed with Farlinger Park User Fees and Donation
    • Purpose: To clarify that certain in-kind donations would continue, and that cash donations would cease for the 2024 Budget.
  • Council directed staff to issue a Request for Tender for the replacement of the Municipal Water Standpipe.
    • Purpose: To request tenders for the replacement of the Municipal Standpipe
  • Council awarded the contract for the Sioux Lookout Wastewater Treatment Plant Expansion Engineering Services to CIMA Canada Inc. for $904,678.
    • Purpose: To allow for CIMA Canada Inc to study and design a plan for the expansion of the Wastewater Treatment Plant. 

Council Briefs are provided in this format for convenience only and are not approved Minutes of the Council Meeting.  For more information, please contact Brian P. MacKinnon, Chief Administrative Officer and Municipal Clerk at [email protected].

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