Boulevards Must Be Mowed

In 2023, Council amended Municipality of Sioux Lookout By-law No. 16-06 (Maintaining Land in a Clean and Clear Condition) with By-law No. 74-23 to ensure our community remains clean, safe, and beautiful for everyone. As part of this amendment, property owners became responsible for mowing the boulevards which abut their property.

We understand that this is a change for some residents and appreciate your cooperation in helping to maintain the aesthetics and safety of our shared spaces. Keeping these areas well-maintained not only enhances the look of our neighborhoods but also supports community pride and property values. Working together, we can create a pleasant environment for all residents.

Please be aware that failure to comply with this new requirement may result in fines. There was a moratorium on enforcement on mowing standards during May and June, which Council recognized as Pollinator Months.

Should you have any questions or need further information, contact our By-law Enforcement Officer at (807) 738-0462 or [email protected].

To review By-law No. 74-23, please visit to download a PDF copy. 

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