Effective from December 1st to April 15th Winter Parking Restrictions are in place. This means that parking is not permitted in the Downtown Core (Front Street and King Street between Seventh Avenue and Third Avenue) between 3:00 a.m. and 7:00 a.m. and on the remaining Municipal streets and laneways between Midnight and 7:00 a.m.
In accordance with By-law No. 08-07, Being a By-law to Prohibit or Regulate the Use, Obstructing, Encumbering, Injury, or Fouling of Municipal Property, Section 3.1 states:
No person shall build or maintain fences on any highway or boulevard (defined as any portion of a municipal right-of-way between the edge of the travelled road, being curbed or surfaced, to the extent of the right away) or place or erect anything, which may cause obstruction to or interference with public travel, or the clearing of snow, or any other operations involving Municipal work forces on Municipal-owned land.
Cars, Trucks, RV’s, Snowmobiles, Trailers, or any other form of motorized vessels shall not be parked in a manner in which interferes with public travel, or the clearing of snow, or any other operations involving Municipal work forces on Municipal-owned land. Any vessels found in violation will be ticketed and may be towed.
Please be aware of weather and road conditions while being courteous of the Road Maintenance Crew.
Reference: By-law No. 08-07, online at https://www.siouxlookout.ca/en/resources/by-laws/frequent/08-07-To-Prohibit-or-Regulate-the-Use-Obstructing-Encumbering-Injury-or-Fouling-of-Municipal-Properties.pdf.
For further information, please contact By-law Enforcement at 737-2700 ext. 7703.